"Jumanji" is a movie that mixes of fantasy and adventure. The movie released in America in 1995 and directed by Joe Johnston. Jumanji is based on Chris Van Allsburg’s famous 1981 picture book of the same name. The movie is about a board game that makes wild animals and other jungle hazards materialise upon each player’s move.
In 1969, Alan is trapped in Jumanji while playing the game with his friend Sarah. Thus Alan lives 26 years in the jungle. After 26 years, Judy and Peter move into the Alan’s house with their aunt after they lost their parents because of skiing accident. Judy and Peter hear Jumanji’s drumbeats so that they find the game and play together.
26 years later, when Judy and Peter playing the game, Alan came back to the life who became an adult Alan. Alan watches Judy and Peter continue to play the game and he realises that Judy and Peter are playing the same game as he and Sarah played in the past. Therefore, Alan realised that he has to join with them to finish the game. Sarah suffered mental trauma because of Alan’s disappearance during the game, Sarah does not want to join the game, but for finishing the game, Sarah has to join the game as well.
The movie is happy ending that Alan and Sarah going back in 1969 with full memories of events that they had in the future. Alan and Sarah decide to throw away the board game to protect themselves and future that they do not have same experience again. I like this movie because it is an adventure movie so that it makes people interesting to travel future and past by watching the movie. Also, this movie shows family’s love and care. Thus, I recommend people to watch this movie especially watch with their family.
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumanji
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